Refractive Abnormalities

What do we call a refractive agent?

A refractive medium is any transparent body that changes the angle or direction of the rays of a light beam that passes through it.

What is the function of the eye as a visual system?

A beam of light rays, coming from a light source, enters the eye and reaches the retina. As the light beam travels towards the retina, it encounters the cornea, the aqueous humor, the crystalline lens, and the vitreous body. From theretina, through photoreceptors and special neurons, visual stimulus is transferred to the visual cortex of the brainto perceive the image.

What are the most refractive points of the eye?

The most refractive points during the course of the light beam are the cornea and especially its anterior surface and, to a lesser extent, the crystalline lens. The total refractive power of the eye is about +60 diopters (D). Of these, the cornea (anterior and posterior surfaces) offers about +43 to +47 diopters (D).

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